Nha trang to dalat Bus information
In Nha Trang as well as Vietnam, there are many different bus companies serving mainly for tourists, these bus are sleeping bus, high quality, clean with air conditioner. The lower quality bus normally serves for local people and the area of operation is also only in the local parking, when you go on the highway will see a lot of these vehicles. The schedule of bus company for tourists will go from Nha Trang city center to Dalat city center. Nha Trang to dalat bus
All company will have offices and bus station in the city’s tourist center, so visitors do not worry about dropping off far away from the tourist center. The distance from Nha Trang to Da Lat city is 140 km, bus travel time is about 4 hours, There are threes kind of vehicles you can choice for going to DaLat. By transit bus or Limousine car, the price is from 110.000 – 180.000VND. The second is by Motorbike, traveler can rent a bike in Nha Trang after that can drop of in Da Lat city. The third is by a private car with driver or by taxi. There is no flights or train from Nha Trang to Da Lat. nha trang to dalat bus
On the way to Dalat, the view very beautiful. Traveler can enjoy the scenic hills and life of the people on highland in Viet Nam.
We provide Hanh Cafe bus tickets for passengers wishing to travel from Nha Trang to Dalat

We are a car company specializing in providing transport services for tourists. With friendly service, modern and clean vehicles, we would like to satisfy all passengers who book tickets at our company.
Travel time: the journey takes around 4 hours
Ticket price: seats are priced at 120.000 VND / ticket ~ 5 USD / ticket for all departures so the choice is yours.
Route | Depature Time | Arrival Time | Price |
NHA TRANG – DALAT | 07:30 AM | 11:30 AM | 120.000VND Free pick-up |
01:00 PM | 05:00 PM |

Nha Trang to dalat bus
Customer can book the ticket directly through application or chat box
– Easy and cheaper than book in agent office
– Pick up from your hotel
– The Staff will bring ticket to customers and customers can pay directly to our staff
– Running on time and exactly schedule
– Sleeping bus with airconditon, clean and modern
PLease sent us the message with your request
– Your name, quantity of people
– What time, date you want to go
– Your room number
– Hotel name and Adress of hotel
The date departure:
Our bus and driver will pick you up before time running around 45 minutes
Contact us at:
WhatsApp – Viber – SKype -Telegram – Zalo : +84964171621
OR Sent us a message through chat box on the right hand below and check your email later
Pleasure to serve you!